How Can Investors Help Confront Racial Injustice?

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Here is an update of our 2017 paper on racial justice and investing, renewed to reflect more recent events, engagements, and developments that we are trying to press in our field.

Inequality and injustice based on race were founding economic realities of American life. Two centuries later, inequality, abuse, and discrimination are still present in every sector — in education, housing, healthcare, and policing. In spite of halting progress, our economy, and our capital markets specifically, are still systematic in failing BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) communities, continuing to extract value from them, and profiting — and thereby contributing to — their further marginalization and carceration. Not surprisingly, those conditions shape businesses’ risks and opportunities. This paper discusses integrating racial justice into investment — both with an analytical lens and an economic reality. Doing so helps us protect the value of our portfolios and channel our clients’ voices to help create positive change.

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